Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting really, really close

I am a horrible person...that is, if a horrible person is someone who can describe himself as someone who continues to make feeble attempts at posting his semi daily activities for all the world to see.
Then again, it's hard to imagine I can be that bad if I've been lucky enough to spend my days with Kira and be hours away from being a father. I think we're that close. Kira's starting to feel it quite a bit...she's a rock star, getting ready to bear down and get it done. We just carbo loaded...a big pot of sauce and meatballs and pasta...getting ready for what we're half jokingly calling the baby Zofingen (more on the Zof later). It's crazy, this whole trip...Send some good thoughts our way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike she really is an angel. Look at the rays of light! Congratulations to you both on such a miraculous event. We cannot wait to share in the life of Abigail Ray Theesfeld. XO