Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taking the Short Cut

One of my friends mentioned, a bit tongue in cheek, how much he enjoys my seemingly daily rants and raves on facebook and here on my blog. I realize, of course, most of you are likely tired of all the nonsense, and I certainly am sorry for the occasional miscellaneous ramblings. But the way I see it, my poor wife can only take so much...and I'm not always so good at keeping my mouth shut.

No random complaints today...just a quick mention on the "short" cut I'm taking this weekend. After 2 years of relentless early October suffering, I will be taking it "easy" on sunday and racing the Short Course at the American Zofingen up in New Paltz. They moved the race to a May date from it's usual October running...the earlier date, along with minor surgery and 3 feet of snow in February and March, made it very difficult to get myself in any kind of shape for the 8+ hours of suffering the Long Course requires. But the 5 hours a week of "training" I've been getting the past month or so are certainly adequate enough to get me thru the day...just put my head down for 3 hours and get it done. 70 degrees and sunny...some glorious suffering indeed.


Geoff said...

Best of luck, my friend!

Unknown said...

Good Luck from Mom and Dad. We Love You and wish you the best!

Erika said...

good luck Mike! XO! E